All Moms Hope for the Best.
Great Moms Plan For It.
The Genate Test Measures Important Pathways and Nutrients Essential for Optimal Brain and Cognitive Development

One Carbon Nutrition Metabolism
One carbon nutrient metabolism includes several interrelated pathways responsible for the proper development of the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system.
Greater than 70% of women have gene variants that create inefficiencies in synthesizing and metabolizing choline. -
Choline Metabolism and Phosphatidylcholine Synthesis
Choline needs during pregnancy are substantially important due to fetal demand. Phosphatidycholine synthesis can support this need. However, a common variant can significantly inhibit a woman's ability to produce phosphatidylcholine and increase here dietary needs substantially
Methylation and Methyl Donation
The Genate test evaluates genes that affect how the body metabolizes folate as well as other methyl donors, choline and betaine. Along with Choline and Omega3 DHA metabolism, understanding the metabolic challenges to methylation is critical to supporting a healthy pregnancy.
Genate Nutrition provides women with prenatal nutrition based on genetic research
The Genate Essential Prenatal Multivitamin and other nutrition supplements offer customized solutions for women who need specific forms or amounts of nutrients due to their genetics. Genate registered dietitians can also help by interpreting your test results and giving personalized nutrition support.

Learn More About Genate Test and Nutrition at
Discover MoreThe Genate™ Test From better science, better business.

Genate Healthcare Professional Network
SNP Therapeutics is now integrated with Fullscript – a powerful, free integrative medicine platform
offering singular access to personalized treatment planning, active wellness support, and healthcare’s
best supplements and wellness products.
SNP Therapeutics practitioners can now provide supplement recommendations that are delivered
directly to their patients' doors all without leaving their SNP Therapeutics platform.
The Genate Algorithm Is Built On 30 Years Of Research
The Genate SNPhub™ machine learning algorithm evaluates 317 functional and complementary SNPs to provide a comprehensive report of One-carbon and Fatty-Acid metabolism in 5 critical nutrient pathways
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The Genate Test Customer Experience
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A Simple Swab of The Mouth is All it Takes
Mom Registers Her Kit and Builds Her Nutrition Profile
Mom Sends Her Kit To Our Lab
Lab is Clia Certified. SNPhub™ Assures PII and PHI Privacy to Maintain HIPAA Compliance
Mom Gets Her Results
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