Test Background
SNP Therapeutics has a U.S. PATENT on a Genetic Test, Algorithm and Nutrition Treatment for ATP-Sperm Function. This Genetic test identifies a sub-population of men who are at high risk for ATP-Sperm Dysfunction due to variant genes in metabolic pathways associated with spermatic ATP (function)concentrations. Men with this SNP pattern can be treated with a patented nutritional formulation.

Male Factor Infertility
It is estimated that 15% of couples worldwide have infertility issues and that 50% of infertility in couples worldwide is due to male factor issues.
Large worldwide market opportunity. There is an estimated 28 million infertile men in North America and Europe
Nutritional Intervention Provides Value to Couples Desperate to Conceive
Genetic Testing can help many couples prior to making significant investment in In Vitro Fertilization